Canon SL1 Setup for Live Streaming
Camera Setup for Live Feed:
The computer I am using for the bird feeder live broadcast is a vintage 2013 MacBook Air. Most recently it was one was Meg's laptops. Someday I'll sell it on Ebay: "The computer the Mer-Mysteries episode of She-Ra was written on...," meanwhile it makes a great remote live streaming machine.
For the webcam on this project, I am using a Canon Rebel SL1. The camera has a USB jack that connects to the computer if I first install the EOS Webcam Utility from Canon. The camera is powered with an AC adapter that mimics the battery so I can use the camera all day.
The reason the camera is looking up at the feeder and is not at least level is due to the short USB cable. I have a longer one coming from Amazon today so I will not have to have the computer and camera so close in the future.
I should have a sharper image using the Canon for my live videos.
This setup would not work for many readers. The weather here is dry. We will not have another rainstorm until November so I don't have go rush out to save the equipment. I built a box for the laptop using a milk cart (for those of you with grocery store experience) covered with aluminum foil. The cover keeps the computer clean and cool(er).
I will probably create a small foil shade for the camera too. There is an attachment for holding an umbrella to your camera tripod, but I could see the camera flying off in a gust of wind. Not a sight I wish to see.